How I’m Organising My Baby Photos Without the Overwhelm
Managing photos of a newborn baby can be overwhelming. Read my quick and easy tips to organise photos so it will be easy to make a photobook in a year’s time.
What’s In A Filename?
By using a framework to name your digital files you will be able to understand at a glance what content the files contain and you will also be able to search for and find your photos in the future. Strategically named files are key to having an organised and searchable photo collection.
Hello 2023.
I'm feeling like I'm finally able to slow down after a hugely transformative 2022. Over a 4 month period I got engaged, emptied the michaels building, moved houses with said emptied-contents and got married. All while running a new business.
Am I A Memory Card Hog?
My brother called me a memory card hog. I can’t understand why 🤷♂
Now it’s time to Document MY Life
At the end of the day I’m just like you - I know I need to organise my photos and I’ve been resisting doing it. It’s definitely easier to guide others to organise their photos when I’m not emotionally attached to their images and stories.
New York Times agrees that it’s finally time to organise those photos
"Spending more time at home has offered the opportunity to tackle all sorts of ambitious projects... Yet there’s one task that still seems impossible: organizing hundreds, if not thousands — or even hundreds of thousands — of print and digital photographs. The idea of sorting through them feels daunting, so instead, you do nothing....."
Canon apologises for losing images stored in the cloud.
I’m always banging on about how relying solely on cloud services to store your images is a risky idea. And this is an example of why….
It's Supposed To Be Simple!
I just want to make a video for my blog. It can’t be the hard… right?
We are the most photographed generation that has ever existed, and we are at serious risk of becoming forgotten in the digital dark age.
More images are created each day than ever existed in time before. But our hard drives are designed to last for literally 3-5 years.
How can we ensure that our data is accessible for generations to come?
Join me as I figure out how to DocumentMyLife.